‘Devastating for the President!’ Joe Biden’s plummeting popularity spells election ‘disaster’

Republicans Overseas UK Chair Greg Swenson has predicted election "disaster" for US President Joe Biden, after new polling ranked the leader as less popular than Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter.

Biden has ranked at just 38.7 per cent in the first quarter of the year, sending his popularity to an even lower level than previous figures suggested.

Speaking to GB News, Swenson told host Martin Daubney that Biden is facing a "disaster" at the polls this November, as he is set to face Donald Trump at the ballot boxes.

Swenson said the pre-election campaign trails from Trump and Biden are "heating up already", in preparation for a second showdown later this year.

Greg Swenson and Joe Biden

Swenson told GB News that Biden's popularity is dwindling particularly with young US voters, especially those on the "far radical left", as they are "disappointed with his support for Israel".

Swenson also noted the three key categories of voters who the Democrats are "dependent on" to help win the election.

Swenson explained: "Historically, the Democrats are totally dependent on young people as well as African Americans and Hispanics. All three of those categories are changing dramatically.

"He's down 30 to 40 points in all three. Even a five point shift in those in those identity groups would be devastating for President Biden."

Joe Biden

In a discussion with Martin, Swenson also noted another voter's poll, which compared Biden's time in office with Donald Trump's.


Swenson revealed: "55 per cent of voters polled by CNN said Trump's presidency was a success, and 61 per cent have said Biden's has been a failure. This is a disaster for President Biden."

When asked by Martin if he believes the Biden administration can "turn this around" before the election, and if it would help if Biden "called for a ceasefire in Israel", Swenson was doubtful.

He responded: "Possibly, but I doubt it. The President made a speech or a very, very short two-and-a-half-minute comment today from the White House, that was not very inspiring.

"It was absolutely scripted. He read it off the teleprompter, he didn't take questions. So I don't think it's going to work. The violence in the streets will not stop just because the war stops."

Martin Daubney

Sharing the latest on Donald Trump's court trial, Swenson claimed that the former President's "fighting talk" outside the courtroom is "working for him".

Swenson told GB News: "It works for President Trump, he's really good at these off-the-cuff remarks.

"He visited police while in New York, he's visited construction workers, he went to a bodega, which is not something that you'd see President Biden do by any means.

"But he went to a corner store in Harlem and visited a bodega owner who was arrested for defending himself against shoplifters. It's just really falling into President Trump's lap."