Food lovers humbled by dietician's example of 'correct' portion of pasta to eat

Dietician Rebecca Gawthorne shocked her followers in a recent video after revealing the correct portion of pasta for your dinner.

Over the years, officials have reported that portion sizes have increased in both the home and restaurants. In turn, this has blurred the vision of some people, leaving a generation who have no idea about the correction portion sizes.

Credit: Unsplash/Victoria Aleksandrova

What is the correct portion of pasta?

Last year, Rebecca issued a public service announcement for her 67k followers on TikTok, sparking massive pushback from carbohydrate lovers in the comments. Her video was centered around portion sizes, which are of course important for maintaining health and monitoring body weight and glucose levels.

Issuing a trigger warning in the caption, she wrote: “This is a guide only as everyone has different energy and nutrition; some people will need more, different portion divisions, etc. However, it’s still a great place to start for the general population. And even with this type of portion plate, I still recommend listening to your hunger and fullness levels while you‘re eating.”

To correctly portion your meal, Rebecca suggested filling half of your plate with “colorful” veggies, followed by a 1/4 of the plate for protein and the same for fiber-filled carbs. In Rebecca’s case, those carbs were a tiny portion of pasta, which naturally drew some criticism.

Official recommendations are similarly depressing, with health insurance BUPA suggesting 2 to 3 tablespoons of cooked pasta. This is roughly 75g, or 150g when cooked. Pasta brand Barilla said 2 ounces, which equates to around 56g.

People are very protective of their pasta

Though most saw the logic and science behind Rebecca’s portion of pasta, others simply loved the food too much to cook less than the entire bag.

One person wrote: “How do people feel satisfied with that portion of pasta.”

“But that just isn’t enough pasta,” another person said, as a third added, “Or just a whole plate of pasta?”

Other people were convinced they wouldn’t be able to finish Rebecca’s portion, as one person explained: “I am CONFUSED. I don’t think I could even finish just the veggies????”