Ukraine has two months to make most out of ATACMS missiles — report

ATACMS launch

Ivan Stupak, a former officer of Ukraine’s SBU security service who currently serves as an advisor to the parliamentary Defense Committee, believes the Ukrainian military has roughly two months to eliminate as many Russian military assets as possible before the enemy adapts.

“As we know, the Russians are able to adapt in a very short period of time,” the article quotes Stupak.

“I think we have up to two months to eliminate as many Russian war objects as is possible before the Russians will adapt.”

As an example, he noted the effectiveness of GPS-guided Excalibur artillery rounds eventually dropped from 70% to 6% due to Russian electronic warfare systems.

Read also: Pentagon chief confirms increased ATACMS missile aid to Ukraine

U.S. officials recently confirmed that U.S. President Joe Biden authorized the transfer of long-sought ATACMS missiles to Kyiv in February

On April 25, The New York Times, referring to a senior U.S. official, wrote that in March, Ukraine secretly received more than 100 ATACMS missiles and a number of cluster munition warheads from the United States

On May 1, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stated that Washington would provide Ukraine with as many ATACMS missiles as it can.

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Section: Nation

Author: Eric Malinowski