Mike Lindell has a 'meltdown' over reporter's 'attack' when questioned at Trump rally


My Pillow founder and 2020 election result denier Mike Lindell claimed he was "attacked" in the parking lot before he took the stage as a warmup to former President Donald Trump's arrival during a rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

As crowds for the 45th president snaked around the parking lot of the Waukesha County Expo Center on Wednesday — they were treated to Lindell dressing down a reporter asking him questions and fact checking him in real-time.

"This guy must work for Dominion and Smartmatic," Lindell boomed to the attendees outside of complex ahead of the rally's start.

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He was seeking MAGA life support while a reporter, Adam Mockler of Meidas Touch, challenged him on his logic behind questioning the outcome of President Joe Biden's victory and Trump's defeat.

Some in the waiting queue came to his aid, yelling "Shut him down!"

Mockler attempted to explain to Lindell that his efforts to undermine the results of 2020 election worked to do the bidding of Russia President Vladimir Putin.

That ticked-off Lindell.

"I'm the American dream on steroids," he shrieked. "I was an ex-crack addict and found Jesus Christ."

Then Lindell made it personal.

"You need help," he told Mockler. "This kid needs prayer! Pray for him."

Several supportive shouts and boos trickled in from some waiting in line.

"He's part of the problem with this country," Lindell continued, before pantomiming with his hands covering his eyes. "His eyes are closed. He doesn't get it.

"You think I'm spending all my money? I want to save your country. Our country. Both off our countries."

Mockler then informed him that he was being misguided by the former president.

"You spent all your money because you were conned by Donald Trump."

Lindell snapped back: "Donald Trump has nothing to do with it. Don't you get it?"

Mockler than stated the obvious: "We're at a Trump rally!"

The reporter informed Lindell that the courts shot down most of the election denying cases based on lack of evidence.

But Lindell maintained that every case was tossed because "not judge in the United States looked at any of the evidence based on merit."

According to USA Today out of the 62 lawsuits filed challenging the presidential election "61 have failed" to cause both Democratic and Republican-appointed judges (most of them state) to let them go forward.

The video then cuts to Lindell taking the stage later on and kickstarting his speech characterizing Mockler's questioning as an attack.

"I know a lot of you were out in the parking lot and probably see me get attacked by a journalist out there," said Lindell. "And I thank you for trying to get involved."

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