Cambourne Electronics and Robotics Club team invited to represent UK

Young people from Cambourne are set to embark on an extraordinary journey as they represent the United Kingdom in the Asia Pacific FIRST LEGO Robotics Open Championship in Sydney, Australia.

Teams from the Cambourne Electronics and Robotics Club (CERC) secured second, fifth and eighth place at the championship’s national contest, beating competitors from schools across the UK and Ireland.

CERC were named regional champions at IET First Lego League Challenge Cambridge tournament in January Picture: Keith Heppell

This was after CERC were named regional champions at IET First Lego League Challenge Cambridge tournament in January.

Now, the team that placed second has been invited to represent the UK in Sydney.

CERC co-founder Cllr Dr Shrobona Bhattacharya said: “Our mission, clear from the outset, has been to pave the way for our children’s futures. With unwavering dedication, the parents, teachers, and mentors of the Cambourne Educational Robotics Club have poured their hard work, time, and vision into this journey.

“This achievement transcends mere accolades; it signifies our commitment to shaping not just the leaders of tomorrow, but the STEM pioneers of today.”

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) will support CERC with £3,000 towards the registration fees. The team is seeking fundraising ideas to help with travelling and accommodation costs. If you can help, contact