Times journalist: West Ham stars witnessed fallout between Moyes and Steidten

In what sound like very awkward scenes, West Ham stars witnessed a fallout between David Moyes and Tim Steidten claims a journalist.

Did you ever see a more “West Ham” story than the club’s manager banning the technical director from being around the first team?

In many ways it should not be all that shocking. And from a professional point of view it makes sense.

Why would West Ham’s manager want to be conversing and confiding in the man who has been tasked with potentially replacing him?

We can probably drop the word “potentially” from here on. If reports that abound are accurate, David Moyes is about to oversee his final three games as the manager of West Ham United.

After four-and-a-half years of rare stability at a club often described as a “circus” by its own fans and outside observers in the past, the big top has returned this last week.

West Ham’s search for a potential new manager has been played out in the press and on social media with every twist and turn covered.

That’s not to say all – or indeed any of it – is true of course.

Moyes confirms Steidten ban

But one think we know is true, is that Moyes has indeed banned technical director Tim Steidten from being around the Hammers first team.

“We don’t want any distractions, we’re keeping our eye on the ball. Tim has his job to do and I’ve got my job to do. We’ve got three games to play,” Moyes said before West Ham’s trip to Chelsea.

Seeing the manager who brought them their first trophy in 43 years fed to the media vultures over the last two weeks has not gone down well with West Ham supporters – even those who have been very much in the ‘Moyes out’ camp.

Supporters feel the whole situation could and should have been handled with more class.

And quite what prospective future managers are making of it is also a chastening thought.

It feels a little bit like things are threatening to unravel at the club right now.

The squad needs a major overhaul in the summer with at least 10 signings required. That is of course on Moyes and the owners who have failed to future-proof it.

The manager could be on his way too now with his reported replacement – Julen Lopetegui – going down like a lead balloon with most West Ham fans.

Supporters have even started a petition against the potential appointment.

Now comes this confirmed rift between Moyes and the man upon whom all West Ham’s hopes have been pinned – Steidten.

Photo by Ramsey Cardy – Sportsfile/UEFA via Getty Images

Stars witnessed fallout between Moyes and Steidten

Oh to be a fly on the wall behind the scenes.

Well Hammers fans can at least see through the eyes of one, The Times’ Gary Jacob.

West Ham stars witnessed the fallout between Moyes and Steidten claims the journalist.

“The pair have had a strained relationship since disagreements over recruitment last summer,” Jacob has claimed.

“And tensions came to a head this week when Steidten was asked not to enter the team’s dressing room.

“The friction has been witnessed by some West Ham players and Steidten did not spend any time talking to Moyes on the touchline, as he often does, before West Ham’s 2-2 draw with Liverpool last Saturday.”

The last thing anyone wanted was to see the end of Moyes’ tenure turn ugly.

If the Scot is to leave, he deserves to go out with his head held high regardless of his risk averse style on the pitch.

Moyes has put his heart and soul into dragging the Hammers up by their boot straps, restoring pride, professionalism and – for the most part – results.

Don’t let it end like this West Ham

West Ham should not be criticised for doing due diligence on potential replacements. Because had they sat back and waited, they would have been accused of negligence.

There is a way of going about things, though. Especially when it comes to a man who has given the club so much.

West Ham’s biggest mistake has been not announcing the decision over Moyes until the end of the season. Who made that call we don’t know because Moyes himself has repeatedly stated that’s what he wanted too.

Given the way things are panning out, that decision should be brought forward and announced next week ahead of the last home game of the season against Luton.

So that West Ham fans can give Moyes the send off he deserves.

Then supporters can perhaps contemplate embracing whatever Sullivan and Steidten have in store next.

And judging by the latter’s work at Bayer Leverkusen, that should not be underestimated by anyone.


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