Newark Advertiser reader’s letter: Puzzled by town’s pool row

I have been reading your recent articles about the Southwell Leisure Centre/ Swimming Pool saga with increasing disbelief.

From what I understand, Newark and Sherwood District Council want tospend £5m on a new pool for the town.

However, this seems to be being opposed by residents. Why?


I understand the frustration they must feel about having to travel out of town for a time while the new pool is being built — but why should the council throw even more money at the town to repair the existing pool while also progressing plans for a new facility?

If they don’t want a new swimming pool — and that is what is seems to me — I am sure there are many places in the district who would love to have it instead.

Perhaps they should be given the opportunity to have the leisure facilities that Southwell clearly doesn’t want. — A. CHAMBERS, Newark.