Report: Senior sources now confirm fresh 777 Partners ‘crisis’ which could finally scupper Everton takeover

Everton’s entire season has been dominated by takeover drama, and frankly, it is getting exhausting.

The Premier League have afforded 777 Partners more than enough time to do what needed to be done in order to assume control at Goodison Park, yet they have consistently failed to do so.

And now, after such an extended period with the club left in limbo, the end is in sight.

But it does not look good for 777 Partners.

777 Partners suffer fresh legal setback

Reports seeking to discredit 777 Partners have been coming out thick and fast of late, but this latest one by The Telegraph, which effectively confirms all the worrying information that has emerged, could be the final nail in their takeover coffin.

And what a hammer blow it could prove to be too, especially given how much they have invested across the eight months they have been trying to get into power.

Photo by Matt McNulty/Getty Images

Should it all fall through though, the Miami-based firm only have themselves to blame, given the Premier League has inarguably given them more than enough time and notice to prove their worth.

Surely, after this latest news has been verified, there is no coming back for them.

It reads: ‘Everton’s prospective new owners have been plunged further into legal turmoil as former owners at Standard de Liège demand the seizure of millions of pounds of assets.

‘Crisis-hit 777 Partners have been hit with two new legal claims just days after one of the investment firm’s airlines collapsed and another major lawsuit was launched in New York.

‘A senior source close to talks confirmed claims had been launched by Standard’s former owner Bruno Venanzi and Immobilière du Standard, the company which owned the club’s famous Stade de Sclessin.

‘The company first struck a deal to buy Everton last September, but doubt is now mounting that the Premier League can provide approval over the coming weeks.’

777 Partners’ Everton takeover seems to be collapsing

With assets being seized elsewhere, and the money in various businesses slipping through their fingers too, it does feel like the walls are closing in on 777 Partners.

Ever since they struck a deal for Everton with Farhad Moshiri back in September, controversy has been rife, but as time has gone on this scrutiny has only intensified.

And rightly so, given the scale of some of their misdeeds.

Photo by Alex Pantling/Getty Images

Whether it be failing to pay players for their other clubs or claims of fraud, the negativity has been relentless.

They have just been jumping from one shady practice to the next, and at last, the end is in sight.