'Bit harsh': Sky Sports pundit says he has actually been unfair on 'brilliant' Chelsea player this season

Stephen Warnock suggests that he and other sections of the media may have been a bit unfair on one Chelsea player this season.

Chelsea have come under some real scrutiny this campaign for their performances on the pitch, rightly so when you look at the huge investment that’s gone into assembling this squad. We will caveat that slightly by adding it’s a very young and inexperienced group of players that may need time to fulfill its potential.

Our general feeling from supporters is that it’s been another underwhelming year filled with inconsistent results, but there’s still a chance to qualify for Europe. Mauricio Pochettino’s side do sit seventh in the Premier League table with three games remaining, which will be enough for Europe provided Manchester United don’t win the FA Cup final against Manchester City.

Photo by Chris Lee – Chelsea FC/Chelsea FC via Getty Images

Stephen Warnock has been unfair on Chelsea star

Sky Sports pundit Stephen Warnock feels like some of the criticism at Chelsea’s Nicolas Jackson, 22, has been slightly unjustified this year.

The ‘brilliant’ young striker has 16 goals in 41 Blues appearances across all competitions so far, including 13 in the league. Incidentally, club legend Didier Drogba only scored 10 league goals in his first season at Stamford Bridge.

Warnock told Sky Sports: “I think maybe we’ve been a little bit harsh on Nicolas Jackson at times because he’s missed so may opportunities, but his actual return in his first season in the Premier League’s been better than Didier Drogba. He maybe should have had 5-10 more goals because of the chances created for him. I think that’s just how harsh criticism can be of certain players.”

The curious case of Nicolas Jackson

Jackson makes Chelsea fans want to rip their hair out at times – 22 big chances missed in the league this season (Premier League’s website) – but there’s so much to admire about his overall game.

The 22-year-old frontman looks like a world-beater at times with his movement and skill, but he needs the end product and extra bit of calmness to elevate his game to the next level.

He’s scored three goals in his last two league appearances. You never quite know what’s around the corner with him, though.