10 African countries with the smallest merchant marine fleet

10 African with the smallest merchant fleet ©provided by Business Insider Africa

The Merchant Marine fleet of African countries plays a pivotal role in fostering economic growth and enhancing regional connectivity on the continent. It catalyzes prosperity, fostering connections, and bolstering national security. Embracing the vast potential of maritime resources, Africa can navigate a path toward sustainable development, prosperity, and resilience in the 21st century.

  • Business Insider Africa presents the 10 African countries with the smallest merchant fleet.
  • This list is courtesy of Global Firepower.
  • Zambia ranks number one on this list.

When it comes to enabling the transportation of commodities and goods across seas, the Merchant Marine fleet serves as an essential lifeline. The need for a strong merchant marine fleet is crucial in Africa, where economic development and prosperity are of utmost importance.

According to Global Firepower, a platform that annually updates statistics of militaries across the globe, “the merchant marine of a nation is a force of ships operating under civilian banners in peace times, and in times of war, commissioned by the naval branch of service to augment the main surface fighting force.”

As a result, evaluating a country's whole naval force requires consideration of the size of its merchant marine. While some African countries boast a sizable Merchant fleet others are not as fortunate.

Owing to a lack of access to the seas or oceans some countries in the region that are landlocked do not need a padded navy or a maritime industry.

These nations contrast so much with African countries with maritime access and often rely on them for seaborne trade and naval affairs.

With that said, below are the 10 African countries with the smallest merchant fleets, according to the Global Firepower Index.

Note: African countries with zero merchant marine fleets were not mentioned. These countries include; Mali, Chad, Central Africa Republic, Burkina Faso, Botswana,