'He's a 13-year-old boy in a 77-year-old body': Trump belittled by his own biographer

Donald Trump, Jr with Donald Trump and Eric Trump (Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock.com)

Former Donald Trump biographer David Cay Johnston attacked the former president as nothing more than a teenage boy who, despite his claims, would not be willing to go to prison.

Trump is accused of falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment designed to keep details of an alleged sexual relationship with adult film star Stormy Daniels under wraps.

Speaking to MSNBC on Tuesday during Daniels' testimony, Johnston explained that Trump isn't capable of being a "martyr" and going to jail for violating a gag order put in place to stop him attacking potential witnesses and jurors in the trial — and order he's now violated ten times.

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"Donald is not Nelson Mandela," he said. "He is not constitutionally capable of going to jail as a martyr and believing in principles he's somehow defending. He's an empty vessel. In many ways, he's a 13-year-old boy in a 77-year-old man's body."

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Johnston explained that everything Trump has said about the gag order has been a "build-up" to conjure support he thinks he's entitled to — but isn't currently getting.

There's "virtually no one outside the courthouse demonstrating on his behalf," he explained. So, Donald doesn't want to be in jail for one minute. And this issue of whether he should be jailed because of the ten criminal contempt findings by the judge. Ten criminal contempt findings! I think you'll see that come home to roost, assuming he's convicted, at sentencing."

During sentencing, the judge will take into account misbehavior and lack of respect for the law, he said.

Johnston also attacked Daniels, making the argument that she's "no hero."

"If she had spoken about this, we might not have had a Trump presidency, given the Billy Bush 'Access Hollywood' tape," he said, referencing the recording of Trump caught on a hot mic bragging he could assault women. "Similarly, with Miss McDougal. Both took money to be silent. That doesn't make them in any way profiles if courage."

See the full interview with Johnston below or at the link here.

'He's a 13-year-old boy in a 77-year-old body': Trump biographer www.youtube.com

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