Russian shelling of Kyiv region: Power lines and buildings damaged, casualties reported

Photo: The consequences of the Russian attack on the Kyiv region on May 8 revealed (facebook com)

During a new Russian massive attack on Ukraine on the night of May 8, there were hits in the Kyiv region, and power lines were damaged. People were injured, according to the head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration Ruslan Kravchenko.

Alarm lasted four hours

Russia attacked the region at night with kamikaze drones and cruise missiles.

"The alert lasted almost 4 hours. Ukrainian Air Defense Forces were working in the region. No hits to residential or critical infrastructure were recorded. At the same time, the fall of debris was recorded in 4 districts of the region," says the head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration.


Unfortunately, according to Kravchenko, there are people injured as a result of the falling debris.

"Two victims - a woman and a man with multiple limb injuries and shrapnel wounds - were taken to the hospital. The victims are being provided with all necessary emergency aid," he said.

Power lines damaged

In addition, damage to power lines was recorded.

One of the villages has a partial power outage. Power engineers are already working to restore the power.

According to the latest information, as a result of the fall of debris, one private house and a utility room nearby were destroyed, and 14 other private houses and one car were damaged.

Russian shelling of Ukraine

Russian troops again launched a massive attack on Ukraine on the night of Wednesday, May 8. Russia used missiles and drones, and once again targeted energy facilities in various regions of Ukraine.

Ukrainian Air Defense Systems were operating in many regions. In particular, air defense destroyed all enemy targets in the Kyiv area during a nighttime missile attack on May 8.