MAGA lawyer laments Trump legal team's 'shift in strategy' during Stormy Daniels testimony

The legal team of former US President Donald Trump, led by M. Evan Corcoran (C), along with Lindsey Halligan (L), James Trusty (Center-R), and Christ Kise (R) arrive at the Brooklyn Federal Courthouse. on September 20, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Alex Kent/Getty Images)

Donald Trump's former attorney on Thursday called out the ex-president's legal team for a "shift in strategy."

Jim Trusty appeared on CNN Thursday evening to discuss a switch-up of legal strategy he appears to think will backfire in the criminal case where Trump faces allegations related to a hush money cover-up scheme.

"Why did they spend so much time with someone who technically according the falsified documents themselves is irrelevant, right?" the host asked.

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"The relationships are irrelevant. The fact that there was an N.D.A. is not disputed," Trusty said. "I think there was a shift of strategy that's not great."

He added that, if you're on the defense, your entire strategy is make it a "referendum on Michael Cohen, the entire case rises or falls on his credibility."

Trusty added that "what happened is they started off disciplined then they had the ability to regroup over time and they're talking to the client as well."

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