Clock in to the BBC’s Hidden Treasures of the National Trust to go behind the scenes at Anglesey Abbey

As further recognition of all it has to offer, Anglesey Abbey in Cambridgeshire will be one of the central stories when Hidden Treasures of the National Trust returns to the BBC for a second series.

Set to be shown at 9pm this evening (Friday, 10 May) on BBC Two and BBC iPlayer, the programme will reveal new stories about the work going on behind the scenes at the National Trust site to conserve incredible objects and properties, as well as the staff and volunteers who care for them.

Hidden Treasures, filming of the clock at Anglesey Abbey. Picture: National Trust Images

Each episode of the series explores a different central theme, linking the houses, their histories, and collections as they undergo conservation.

Anglesey Abbey, Gardens and Lode Mill will be one of the locations, featuring in episode four. Viewers will get to go behind the scenes while clock conservator Matthew Read works on a rare 18th century automata clock, so that it can perform once more for visitors.

Hidden Treasures, filming of the clock at Anglesey Abbey. Picture: National Trust Images
Hidden Treasures, filming of the clock at Anglesey Abbey. Picture: National Trust Images

Anglesey Abbey property curator, Roisin Rampley, said: “It’s wonderful to be able to showcase the immense care involved in conserving the extraordinary collection at Anglesey Abbey.

“The team and I are thrilled that the clock is performing for our visitors after nearly two years out of action.”

The six-part series will visit some of the National Trust’s best-known locations, including Stourhead in Wiltshire and Oxburgh Hall in Norfolk, as well as lesser-known treasures such as Mr Straw’s House, the time-capsule home of a grocer’s family in Nottinghamshire.

Alistair Pegg, BBC Arts commissioning editor, added: “I’m delighted to be delving behind the scenes once more at the National Trust, uncovering hidden histories of houses and their owners, secrets of the painstaking conservation carried out on beautiful objects and buildings, and the wonderful staff and volunteers who work, often unsung, across the country.”

[Read more: *[*In pictures: Anglesey Abbey’s carpet of snowdrops*](]*

Hidden Treasures, filming of the clock at Anglesey Abbey. Picture: National Trust Images/Andreas von Einsiede

The house at Anglesey Abbey is open daily from 11am to 3pm, where the pagoda clock will be on display for visitors.

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