'I don't think it will work': Nixon attorney blows up Trump's criminal appeal 'strategy'

Donald Trump via AFP

Donald Trump's potential appeal strategy isn't likely to work, according to a former attorney for Richard Nixon's White House.

Former Richard Nixon White House counsel John Dean appeared on CNN on Saturday, and was asked about the ongoing prosecution of Trump. Specifically, he was asked about the ex-president's strategy in the criminal hush-money cover up case he's currently facing.

"This is a very strong case," Dean said before being asked about the "salacious" aspects of the witness testimony.

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"There was a lot going on there, a lot of detail, and the defense didn't object to a lot of the testimony, even though the judge said he thought they would object more often and more aggressively," the host said. "But it seems like that could also be a strategy in case they want to appeal a conviction that this could potentially be a place where they could focus on."

Dean replied, "I think that is their strategy," he said, noting that they are planning such an appeal to "overturn a verdict if it comes down against Trump."

"The sophistication of their doing it though, is really questionable because on cross-examination, they went in the same areas themselves," he said. "It appeared at Donald Trump's request to try to get in and mix it up with Stormy [Daniels], and they did not do well at it. She actually came out as a very strong witness and her own story certainly held up in front of the jury, so they didn't they didn't impeach her in any way as far as the encounter that she'd had with Donald Trump."

"So I'm not sure it worked," he added. "I don't think it will work on appeal."

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