Brendan Rodgers' dressing room message to Celtic players after leaving Rangers crestfallen

While Saturday’s match against Rangers was a joyous day and felt like a title win, it’s important to remember that Celtic still have a job to do over the next week.

The Scottish Premiership trophy isn’t quite confirmed to be heading to Celtic Park. The Bhoys have two matches remaining and need to stay focused on getting that point needed to be crowned.

Kilmarnock have proven to be a tricky opponent for Brendan Rodgers’ side this season and St Mirren are a talented top-six team, too.

The Celtic boss is keen to hammer that point home in the media and to his players.

In fact, despite leaving Rangers’ title bid in tatters on Saturday, Rodgers’ dressing room message after the game was a very focused one.

Brendan Rodgers is taking nothing for granted

Speaking to BBC Radio Scotland, the Bhoys manager said: “We’re not over the line yet but we’re in a great place. We have a six point advantage with two games to go and we’ve got extra goal difference on the scoreboard as well.

“But I’ve just said to the players we’re not over the line yet. We’re in an amazing position. That was the opportunity we had today to put us in that place. The players have done that.

“Living rooms, bars and clubs throughout the world will be absolutely celebrating the victory because that’s what this derby is about. We now have to recover and look to finish the job on Wednesday night.”

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

Eyes on the prize Celtic

This is exactly what we want to hear from the manager with unfinished business on the table. While fans are rightly crowing about another big derby win, Rodgers doesn’t want his players to take their foot off the pedal.

Even when the Bhoys do wrap up the title win over the next six days, the Celtic manager’s message will no doubt stay the same with such a big Scottish Cup final derby on the horizon.

Stay locked in. Keep up the same intensity. Get this double over the line Celtic!