Student 'hack' to learn information in just 24 hours could be a game-changer

The Kay Chung Method is the stress-inducing new way to complete your college work, and we’re getting tired just watching all the TikToks.

Sick of being too prepared when completing your college or school work? Tired of planning *too far* in advance, and having all your assignments ready on time? Well, according to TikTok, you can still leave everything to the last minute and be completely fine! Students, meet the Kay Chung Method…

Kay Chung method takes over TikTok

As we near that well-needed summer break, crunch time is well and truly upon those at universities, schools and colleges across the globe. And just in time to rescue the procrastinators of the world is Kay Chung – the productivity superhero we didn’t know we needed. In a video titled ‘How I cram and still pass every exam I take (dental student edition)’, the influencer and dentist in training explained her revision hack, in what has now come to be known as the Kay Chung Method.

During the video, which has racked up over seven million views, Chung explained that she has yet to fail any of her various exams in dental school, an achievement she puts down to four things – her laptop, a notebook, a pen and a highlighter.

Chung says in order to ensure she is fail-proof, she reads through each of her lectures 2-3 times, taking notes in her own words as she goes. Chung then proceeds to re-read the lectures, and take additional notes on any concepts she has struggled to remember. After that, she tests her memory on the sketchier topics, and does a heck of a lot of rewriting, to ensure that each aspect of information is drilled into her memory.

Evidence suggests mixed results…

And crucially, to ensure that adrenaline is coursing through her veins as she revises, Chung stresses that this entire revision process takes place the night before the exam.

That’s right, this is not a process that takes place over a week or two, but rather one that is crammed into an 8-12 hour gap the evening prior to the actual assessment. Talk about pressure making diamonds…

Image via @kaybchung, TikTok.

While the Kay Chung Method clearly works for her, evidence from budding exam passers suggests that the daring theory provides mixed results.

For one student typing up her final thesis, she was able to successfully hammer out 20,000 words in a single evening – though she admitted the experience left her feeling “lonely”:

Over in England, one stressed-out student took her dissertation from 4000 words on the day before it was due, into the 10,000s – though with coffee, pasta and Hinge breaks frequently taken throughout, we’re not sure if this technically counts as the Kay Chung Method…

Reacting to the anxiety-inducing studying hack, one user wrote beneath Ching’s viral video: “I just slam my head into my book several times until I feel like the information is really stuck in there.”

Another student, clearly in awe of the cramming master, wrote: “I want to be you so bad when I’m older.”

Assessing the video rather reasonably, a third viewer added: “Kinda makes sense if ur going into a profession like dentist or medical related. You will need to remember a lot of information of different situations.”

With important exams and final theses around the corner for many of us, do you think you would be brave enough to fare the Kay Chung Method?