'Give me a frigging break': Morning Joe snaps at fake 'masculine' pro-Trump GOP lawmakers


Early Monday morning, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough went on an epic rant attacking Republican Party lawmakers who talk a big game about the non-existent "war on masculinity" and then roll over on to their backs whenever Donald Trump looks sideways at them.

Making pointed comments aimed at Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Josh Hawley (R-MO), Tim Scott (R-SC), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), the "Morning Joe" host went off after noting a report on the number of GOP lawmakers who have waffled over whether they will accept the 2024 presidential results if Trump doesn't win.

"Morning Joe" regular Donny Deutsch prompted Scarborough when he complained, "There is no mystery here. Anybody who votes Republican and doesn't understand you are voting for the end of democracy, just pay attention to the Sunday shows this past weekend."

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"The other thing, and I've talked about this as a man ... the pathetic men, the spinelessness, the obsequiousness, the sucking-upness, I don't know how they face their loved ones. I don't know how they talk to their children," he added.

"Donny, these are the guys that talk about masculinity, right?" Scarborough replied. "Tough guys. As I've always said about the war on masculinity, like, if you are a real man, you don't really notice that people are trying to declare a war on masculinity, you just go out and do what you're supposed to do and you tune out the noise."

"Yet, these guys that play tough guys and want, you know, the world to be more manly, they're the least masculine men," he added. "They are the guys that went to Ivy League colleges and won't defend their father's honor. They won't defend their wife's honor. They will allow Donald Trump to say the worst, most humiliating things about them constantly -- how do I say it politely? They just — he undermines them and humiliates them, they just come back for more. They're the ones writing books about manhood? Ha, give me a friggin' break."

"Yeah, I just can't understand. I don't know if they had their lunch money taken growing up, I don't know what it is," Deutsch replied. "I keep thinking about Josh Hawley prancing across the Capitol during the siege there."

"You talk about the male under siege in the country? You're not setting an example for what it means to stand up and be a man," Deutsch concluded.

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