Wimblington’s Thomas Eaton Primary School pupils visited by Ellie and Eddie the excavators after two brothers won the competition to name them

Brothers at a primary school won a competition to name two excavators.

On Friday, pupils at Thomas Eaton Primary School in Wimblington were able to see in person the trucks with the winning names on them.

Pupils had been given the opportunity to enter a competition to name two new excavators at Force One Ltd based in March.

The lorries that the boys named. Picture: Ian Burt
The boys with Joe Clark. Picture: Ian Burt

Force One is a construction company that runs a fleet of specialist suction excavator units and currently has 33, and they wanted to engage with a local school to get them named.

Some of the employees at the construction business have children at the school and the business development manager, Joe Clark, was a former student so Thomas Eaton was a great fit.

Pupils decided on names and then they were sent over to Force One where the workers had an internal competition in the office and the two names they went for were Eddie and Ellie.

Left to right: Gary Burke from Force One, Jim, Mason, Carter, Daniella, and Joe Clark from Force One. Picture: Ian Burt
Left, chair of governors, Godfrey Smith. Picture: Ian Burt

Carter Anderson, (5) chose the name Ellie the Excavator and his brother Mason Anderson, (7), chose Eddie the Excavator.

Joe said: “The names were fortunate enough that they worked with the trucks but also meant it was brothers who ended up winning the competition.

“It was just for Force One to engage with the local community a little bit more.

The boys are Carter and Mason. Picture: Ian Burt
The boys with Nicola Webb, deputy head. Picture: Ian Burt
The boys with Nicola Webb, deputy head. Picture: Ian Burt

“The kids were really excited to see the trucks.”

The boys with their parents Jim and Danielle Hipwell. Picture: Ian Burt
Carter with the lorry he named Eddie. Picture: Ian Burt
The boys Mason and Carter. Picture: Ian Burt
One of the excavators was called Ellie. Picture: Ian Burt
Carter with the lorry he named. Picture: Ian Burt
One of the excavators is called Eddie. Picture: Ian Burt