Teen mom's advice for clapping back against hurtful comments while pregnant

Teenage pregnancy is hard as it is, and the negativity that it’s met with is the last thing any woman needs. If you find yourself in a similar situation, consider a teen mom’s advice from TikTok.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful life-changing experiences in a woman’s life. Whether it’s planned or not, the journey is challenging nevertheless. So take note of what a popular TikTok content creator has to say from her own experience.


Teen mom’s advice that every woman needs

TikTok user @sincerelymeandbaby uses her platform to talk about her experience as a single teen mom with a full-time college and two jobs.

Needless to say, teenage pregnancy is met with a lot of criticism, prompting new mothers to question their parenting abilities.

But the TikTok user has a tip, and it’s to “face the judgment confidently”. It’s bad enough that the world judges you for your personal choice, you don’t have to be hard on yourself too.

The teen mom suggests reacting more confidently to the negative comments directed at you because you only give others the power to judge by judging yourself.

Once you start believing in yourself and your ability to be a mother, you will naturally learn to ignore the opinions of others.

You don’t have to justify or explain yourself to others

The teen mom says people didn’t hesitate to pass comments about her appearance and age when they realized she was pregnant. At first, she would explain herself and her life goals, hoping they wouldn’t look down upon her decision.

But doing so doesn’t help as it only plants more seeds of doubt in yourself. You should instead respond gracefully by accepting your situation. If someone says “You look really young to be a mom”, respond by simply saying: “Oh yes, I am. I love being a young mom.”

The TikTok user’s advice is met with a lot of positivity as fellow teen moms have thanked her for showing how to be confident while experiencing motherhood without the slightest guilt.

One user commented: “I just found out I’m pregnant and I’m so glad I found you.”

“I just found out that I’m pregnant and I’m 16 I needed to hear this,” said another, when a third user wrote: “I needed this.”