'Diagnosed sociopath's' method for seducing someone without feeling an ounce of guilt

A “diagnosed sociopath” who uses her YouTube channel to spread awareness about antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) reveals how she seduces people and it’s truly spine-chilling.

Sociopaths are known for their disregard for others. They lack empathy and do not feel emotions like an average human does. Every move of theirs is self-serving, without the slightest guilt or regret. If they want to seduce you, they know exactly what to say and do to make you fall for them.

How a sociopath seduces people

Kanika Batra is a former Miss Universe and Miss World finalist, who identifies herself as a “diagnosed high-functioning sociopath”. She discusses an array of topics related to her condition, including the tactics she uses to seduce a stranger.

In one of her videos on YouTube, she talks about different methods she implements to attract people and it starts with her learning everything about them without revealing anything about herself. She remains mysterious because she claims “people love it.”

“With enough information, I can be anyone’s soulmate,” she says with confidence, before dwelling on the other tactics she uses to seduce men.

She showers men with compliments to have them “hooked” to her and becomes very passionate about their dreams, goals, and interests, even though she couldn’t care less about it.

Kanika uses the infamous method popular among narcissists – love bombing – to make her target feel special and she does it through calls and messages.

She always dresses to the nines when she meets them in person and once she’s got them hooked, the hot and cold game begins. For the unversed, hot and cold behavior refers to someone showing interest in you and suddenly withdrawing without an explanation. This often leaves the person on the receiving end confused and anxious.

Can they love without empathy?

Relationships for sociopaths are transactional, says Kanika. Even though their idea of “love” is twisted and transactional, they will stay associated with you as long you’re serving them in one or the other form.

“Love for me is more based on addiction. If I can’t go a day or two without talking to you then I think there’s something there,” she says.

She wouldn’t go around hurting herself or people she considers her extension because she isn’t a masochist, but ensures every relationship is transactional.

If a sociopath is attracted to you, it means you are providing what they seek. But doesn’t mean they love you or feel any empathy towards you.