Second day of emergency power cuts in Ukraine

Ukrenergo added that starting on May 16, hourly rolling blackout schedules will take effect, to reduce the load on Ukraine’s power grid and make power cuts more predictable for consumers.

DTEK power utility company reported that the emergency outages were necessary due to severe strain on the energy system.

"We are doing everything possible to stabilize the situation as quickly as possible," a DTEK spokesperson said. The company also urged consumers to use electricity sparingly to help alleviate the problem.

On May 14, controlled emergency power outages were implemented across all regions of Ukraine due to a significant electricity shortage, in place from 9:00 p.m. to midnight.

In recent months, Russia’s missile strikes have damaged or destroyed a large portion of Ukraine’s generation facilities. The electricity deficit has become so large that even imports from the EU do not cover the shortfall.

Read also: 10% of Ukrainian households in blackout as power grid overloads

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Section: Nation

Author: Eric Malinowski