Celebrity unknowingly 'prevented Armageddon' by becoming friends with Kim Jong-un

It’s been claimed that former basketball star Dennis Rodman may have prevented “Armageddon” by making friends with Kim Jong-un.

The names of political figures from around the globe aren’t always quite so well known everywhere, but the name Kim Jong-un is one that was impossible to block out, especially in the 2010s. The now-40-year-old became the supreme leader of North Korea in 2011 and remains in that position of power. In the 2010s, Americans suffered suffocating paranoia regarding North Korea’s expanding nuclear weapons program, fuelling tensions between the two countries. Amid fears of annihilation, in stepped celebrity Dennis Rodman…

Photo by Tim Nwachukwu/Getty Images

Dennis Rodman helped prevent ‘Armageddon’ with Kim Jong-un friendship

The 63-year-old American former basketball player, widely regarded by NBA fans as the greatest rebounding forward, first visited North Korea in 2013. He was accompanied by Vice journalists and was invited personally by the leader, who was a fan of his and the sport growing up.

However, the decade was plagued with tensions between North Korea and America, and fears that a nuclear standoff would result in catastrophic destruction. In a 2017 article, on the other hand, The Guardian said there’s a “very real possibility” that Dennis becoming the de facto US ambassador to North Korea and friend of Kim could have him “playing a key role in preventing Armageddon.”

Dennis once spoke on the news show Good Morning Britain and offered to “straighten things out” between the newly elected Donald Trump and Kim, being a friend to both powerful figures.

Although the idea that Dennis was responsible for preventing tensions from escalating into an all-out apocalypse will appear farfetched, there are signs he contributed to helping in ways.

For example, Dennis’ agent once said in a statement that the basketballer helped persuade North Korea to release Otto Warmbier, an American student who was imprisoned in the country in 2016 on a charge of subversion. Tragically, he died in June 2017 after being released. Even though Dennis’ role in his release has been largely disputed by others involved, all the same, his agent felt it could be claimed.

Dennis Rodman brought Kim Jong-un bizarre gift bag during his visit

When Dennis traveled to meet his friend Kim in 2017, he brought with him a gift bag of unlikely items to present the leader, the BBC reports.

One of the gifts inside the bag was The Art Of The Deal, the bestselling ghostwritten book from Trump, published in 1987. The second book in the bag… Where’s Waldo? Yes, seriously. It’s uncertain if the pair spent any amount of time trying to find the little man in its pages during the trip.

Moving over to more traditional presents, Dennis also bestowed upon Kim two autographed basketball jerseys, knowing he was a superfan.

Along with some luxurious soaps, inside the bag was the strangest gift of all… a mermaid jigsaw puzzle. Harder to believe than mermaids themselves, perhaps, but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

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