'Interesting': Gary Neville thinks he knows what Mo Salah will do just before Jurgen Klopp leaves Liverpool

Jurgen Klopp is preparing to take charge of Liverpool for the final time on Sunday.

After 490 matches – and seven trophies won – Klopp has just one more to go. What a ride it has been.

Obviously, the manager hasn’t achieved all of that alone. Jurgen has been able to call on some real Liverpool legends during his time at Anfield.

One of his absolutely key players throughout much of his tenure has been Mohamed Salah. The Egyptian has comfortably scored the most goals in the Klopp era.

However, the pair’s relationship hasn’t always been easy. Their spat on the touchline at West Ham recently was the biggest sign of that. And as Klopp readies himself for an emotional exit, Gary Neville has shared how he thinks Salah will react.

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Gary Neville predicts Mo Salah’s Jurgen Klopp goodbye

It would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall at the AXA Training Centre after Klopp and Salah’s argument last month.

While the manager was adamant that the matter was settled in the immediate aftermath, the player didn’t seem so sure.

With such a big moment coming up for Klopp, we hope that things have been sorted behind closed doors. As possibly his best and most important player during his time at Liverpool, Salah should be front and centre of Jurgen’s goodbye on Sunday.

And speaking to Sky Sports, Neville has suggested that all will now be fine between the pair. However, the Man United legend has claimed that had Klopp been staying at Liverpool, things might have been different.

“The Klopp Salah one was the biggest news wasn’t it,” said Neville when asked by Jamie Carragher to name the ‘squabble’ of the Premier League season.

“I’ll go for Salah Klopp because there’s probably something in that,” the pundit added. “If Klopp was staying next season that would be interesting. But because he’s leaving they’ll all shake hands and tell them they love each other.”

Will Mo Salah leave with Jurgen Klopp

We can’t argue with Neville here, it would have been interesting to see the dynamic between these two if Klopp was sticking around.

With Salah obviously attracting the Saudi Arabian sides again, you can’t help but feel the Egyptian might have been more inclined to leave.

As things stand, it’s been claimed that Mo is actually more likely to stay at Liverpool instead. Whether that really has anything to do with Klopp going, maybe we’ll never know.

It should also be said that there is a long summer ahead. Although there seems to be confidence that Salah will indeed stay, anything could still happen.

For now though, full focus is on Sunday and giving Klopp a proper send off. Thankfully, it doesn’t look like there’ll be one needed just yet for Mo.