‘Nothing but support’: Brendan Rodgers namechecks Celtic executive who has been a pillar this season

When the dust starts to settle on Celtic’s title win, self-reflection will show that there were times during the season when this may not have been possible.

Poor summer transfer business coupled with a horrendous injury list meant Celtic boss, Brendan Rodgers, was really up against it from the minute he walked into Celtic.

And whilst there is nothing you can do about injuries, there is certainly something that can be done with a poor recruitment policy.

Questions were asked about Celtic’s summer transfer business this season when Rodgers couldn’t find a place in the team for any of the new recruits barring Luis Palma.

And when the January window hit and only two players were brought in, the fans were worried that the Celtic boss may not be getting backed by the board.

However. that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Rodgers hails Michael Nicholson ‘support’

The Celtic boss was asked this week if he plans to dip into the transfer market in the summer and how much help he is getting to do so.

And speaking prior to last night’s title win, the Celtic manager was quite clear on the help he is getting from Hoops CEO, Michael Nicholson.

Rodgers said [Celtic YouTube], “As I said every season has to be a learning season on and off the pitch and I’ve gained nothing but support from Michael [Nicholson] and the people here.

“But going forward the football strategy we need to ensure is very much there in terms of what we want to bring in.

“And like I said it’s not about numbers, it’s about increasing the quality of the squad.”

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

There does seem to be a different feeling from the Celtic manager at the club these days. He seems more relaxed about the upcoming transfer window and so he should.

With the money coming his way for qualifying for the Champions League, recruitment just got a whole easier for Rodgers.

Not only does he have the funds, but he also has a Champions League carrot to dangle at potential signings.

And if he does have the complete support of Nicholson then there is no reason why good business cannot be done this summer.