St Wendredra’s Church in March invites carers and adults with health issues to take part in art sessions

A church has teamed up with a local artist to provide art sessions.

St Wendredra’s Church in March has teamed up with Syrah Arnold to offer two short creative sessions for local carers and for adults with health issues.

Syrah has many years experience of working with various groups and age ranges and currently runs monthly sessions for adults with Multiple Sclerosis, and also for residents in a care home.

On Wednesday, May 22, Syrah will facilitate Gel Plate printing sessions at the church for local people who are carers and/or those with health issues.

Syrah Arnold

Places are limited so people are advised to email Rev Ruth Clay to book places.

The first session is 10am-11.15am and the second one is 11.30am-12.45pm.

All materials are provided and there is the opportunity to purchase refreshments for a donation.

A print Syrah has done

Syrah said: “The creative method we’ll be using is fun and suitable for all ages and abilities.

“We’ll be printing from nature, linking into themes explored in previous creative sessions and an earlier exhibition which Rev Clay organised this year.

“Carers rarely get an opportunity to relax and engage with something new, creative, and enjoyable for the sake of it.

“We hope to provide a little respite for those who work so hard as carers, and also of course for adults with various health issues, who also often struggle to access opportunities which will afford them some time away from the norm”.

“Rev Ruth Clay said: “We are grateful to Fenland District Council, who have made this and earlier creative sessions possible through their Fenland Culture Fund, which has helped us to engage more with the wilder community, something we very much hope to build on.

“I am looking forward to another exciting creative opportunity working with local Creative, Syrah, doing gel-plate-printing at St Wendredas Church Hall.

“Syrah let me have a go at this at an earlier session that she ran and I must say it’s great fun and the results were wonderful.

“So, to carers and adults with health needs, please do take this invitation and come and join us.

“Previous creative sessions have been eye-opening and fun and provided real opportunities to grow new friendships and try new activities. Give it a go.”

To book or for more information email