Heart surgeon shares four things he 'absolutely avoids' - and you should too

A heart surgeon has gone viral on TikTok after sharing four things he ‘absolutely avoids’ – and you should too.

We only have one body, and making simple changes to your diet and habits will help ensure it remains healthy.

Copyright Peter Dazeley

Four things to ‘absolutely avoid’

1. Smoking

The first thing Georgia-based heart surgeon Dr. Jeremy London avoids is smoking, which he described as the “single worst thing you can do for your entire body”.

He explained that it destroys your lungs, causes lung cancer, has high cardiovascular risks and increases the chance of heart attacks and strokes.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says over 16 million Americans are currently living with a smoking-related disease.

2. Alcohol

The next thing he avoids is alcohol, which you should cut down on or give up altogether as it’s “toxic to every cell in your body”.

“For me personally, removing alcohol from my life has probably been one of the most transformative decisions I’ve made,” he revealed.

Long-term alcohol use can damage the brain, nervous system, heart, liver and pancreas, and raise blood pressure and cholesterol, which can cause heart attacks and strokes, the NHS reveals.

3. Soft Drinks

The next one to avoid is something you might not expect, soft drinks, which the surgeon described as “liquid death”.

“Just don’t drink them. Period. Done,” he said.

Soda is full of sugar, the NHS explains, which can contribute to weight gain, tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular problems.

One 330ml can of Coca-Cola Original Taste contains 35g of sugar, which the soda giant says is a staggering seven teaspoons.

4. Refined flour/wheat

The final thing he avoids for good health is white breads and pastas that contain refined flours and wheats.

He explained that 80% of weight control comes down to diet, while just 20% is exercise, so you should “be conscious” about what you’re putting in your mouth.

MedlinePlus explains that the refining process strips out most of the nutrients and fiber, so these foods have no nutritional value and leave you hungry.

Dr. Jeremy London is a board certified cardiovascular surgeon with more than 31 years experience who has his own practice in Savannah, Georgia. He gained his medical degree from the Medical College of Georgia.