Transparency calls for probe of possible foreign influence in Germany

Petr Bystron (AfD), Member of the German Bundestag, speaks in the plenary of the German Bundestag. German prosecutors probe far-right lawmaker for bribery. Christoph Soeder/dpa

The anti-corruption organization Transparency International has called for a systematic investigation into possible influence peddling by autocratic regimes in Germany.

The call was made in light of the investigations into far-right politician Petr Bystron of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and reports of possible Russian and Chinese connections of his party colleague Maximilian Krah.

"If the evidence is further substantiated, there are several cases of strategic corruption in which leading AfD politicians have lobbied in favour of autocratic regimes in Russia and China in exchange for bribes," Alexandra Herzog, chairwoman of Transparency Germany, said in a statement on Friday.

Germany has not sufficiently protected itself against illegitimate influence exerted by autocratic regimes through strategically deployed corruption, she said. "We are calling for a commission of inquiry of the German Bundestag to systematically analyse this and develop countermeasures," Herzog said.

Commissions of inquiry are made up of lawmakers and experts. A quarter of the members of the lower house, or Bundestag, must vote in favour of their appointment. Such a committee can prepare comprehensive recommendations for legislation or for dealing with important social issues.

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