"I have to earn that"; Brendan Rodgers makes pledge on Celtic fan relationship

There’s little doubt that Brendan Rodgers’ return to the club was contentious for sections of the Celtic support.

While the majority have backed him since returning, a strong bond hasn’t quite been there – certainly compared to his first successful spell that bagged treble after treble.

The Bhoys boss is one of the first to admit that, acknowledging there were ‘awkward’ moments in the initial stages of his appointment last summer.

That was always going to be the case given the furore surrounding his exit to Leicester City in 2019. Leaving mid-season wasn’t appreciated by many.

Coming out of Wednesday night’s title win at Rugby Park, there’s now a chance for everyone to move on from that baggage. Celtic will benefit if that can be achieved.

Brendan Rodgers wants to build on relationship with Celtic fans

Rodgers knows he has to take responsibility for that. He isn’t bitter about how he’s been perceived by fans and he’s pledged to earn the trust of supporters by providing more special Celtic moments.

He said [Scottish Daily Mail, 17/05 print edition]: “I totally respect that (view) of the supporters and the feeling they might have had and that lingered on.

“There were moments in the stadium. I knew my job was to somehow pull this together and we’ve been able to do that. The staff, we stayed unified, the players stayed with the process and they’ve been able to perform.”

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

Asked if things can return to how they were between 2016 and 2019, he stated: “Well, hopefully it can get to that, but I have to earn that. Nights like that, performances like that, builds that bond back closer again.

“There might be some guys who might never understand and might never turn, but I’ll cope with that the best I can and, in the meantime. I’ll prepare this team to win and be successful.”

Securing a double would go a long way

The title win was the main event this season. That’s been achieved and it’s to Rodgers’ and the players’ credit.

Now, sealing a league and cup double would be the perfect way to push this good feeling at Celtic on.

If Rodgers can mastermind yet another victory over Rangers in a national final then I don’t think anyone will be questioning his status at Celtic for a long time.

He’ll have returned, dominated Scottish football again and be at the helm for what could be another exciting and incredibly successful few years.