Diss sandwich business owner, Sanda Igescu, talks about the reason why her shop is on the market

A Diss sandwich shop owner, whose business has been a fixture of the town’s high street for nearly two decades, hopes to retire next year.

Sanda Igescu, who will have owned Sanda’s for 20 years next month, intends to hang up her apron and is looking for someone to take over the Grade II-listed site in Market Place.

Speaking to the Diss Express, the 65-year-old said she was keen to set the record straight, following some speculation as to why she was selling the venture.

Sanda Igescu outside her Sandwich Shop in Market Place, Diss. Picture: Gary Donnison

“Some people have been saying things on Facebook without knowing the full story, which I have been hurt by,” she said.

“I have even been asked by customers if the shop was closing because it was not doing very well, but this is not true. It is very much business as usual.”

With the Romanian-born business owner set to reach retirement age next year, she came to the decision to sell the shop in order to make the most of her later years.

Sanda has run the shop for 20 years next month. Picture: Gary Donnison

“I do not have any children, I am on my own and, after putting 20 years of my life into this shop, I need a little bit of time for myself,” she said.

Ms Igescu, who managed a sandwich shop in Cambridge for 10 years before taking on Sanda’s in 2004, is intent on finding a buyer who will continue her hard work.

“I have such loyal customers and wonderful staff, who I want to thank for supporting me for the last 20 years,” she said. “Without all of them, Sanda’s would not still be here.

“I hope I can find someone to take on the business – that would be great. If not, though, I will carry on until we find someone perfect for the shop.

Sanda hopes a buyer for the business can be found next year. Picture: Gary Donnison

“It has been very hard for me to make this decision, but I cannot carry on doing what I used to as I am starting to feel my age.”

As well as a selection of freshly-made lunch options, Sanda’s runs a daily sandwich round to participating businesses and offers buffet food for meetings and private functions.

To find out more information on the sale of the business, go online to www.chapmansurveyors.co.uk.