Arizona Baby Shot Multiple Times by Dad During Horrifying Standoff With Cops

An Arizona man shot his six-month-old baby boy multiple times during a terrifying hostage standoff with police.

Afterr police stormed the house the baby was airlifted to a hospital in critical but stable condition with several gunshot wounds, and was expected to live.

Officers from the town of Surprise northeast of Phoenix had earlier responded to a 911 call Friday morning to find the baby, Jaxson, held hostage by the gunman, identified by authorities as Todd Christopher Marchetti, 51.

The baby's mother, Marchetti's former girlfriend, had also been held hostage for several hours in the home, but was able to escape and fell to a nearby construction crew, who called police.

Surprise and Phoenix police negotiated with Marchetti as SWAT teams stood by. But the gunman repeatedly refused to exit the home and surrender, and fired his gun several times. A police tactical team managed to rescue the baby.

After a continuing standoff with Marchetti, the house suddenly caught fire due to an still-unknown cause and was completely destroyed. Police later found the remains of Marchetti with what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

The baby's mother was treated at the scene for minor injuries and was transported to the hospital to be with her child.

A GoFundMe site has been set up to raise money to help mother and baby "rebuild their lives."