Ron Johnson demands action before Biden incites 'mayhem' with RNC convention protesters

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Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) complained over the weekend because the U.S. Secret Service has not put additional restrictions on protests at the Republican National Convention.

In a Sunday interview on News Nation, Johnson told host Chris Stirewalt that he had spoken with the Secret Service about the convention that will be held in his state this summer.

"This is the same security plan that was developed before the summer of 2020, before the BLM Antifa riots, okay?" Johnson said. "So the Secret Service, they use their criteria, they set this plan, and now the Director of the Secret Service is saying, well, they have the authority to set the plan, but they don't have the authority to change it, they put the protest zone a block away from the actual convention site."

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"You know, there's no control over that park, there's no fences around it, so it's a gathering site for all kinds of potential mayhem," he continued. "So this is a very obvious concern, it ought to be corrected, and if the Secret Service doesn't, I mean, I'll just be baffled by why they wouldn't want to provide that additional protection now that it's a different time and place."

Johnson referenced "the riots of 2020" but was silent about Donald Trump's role in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

"You know, we see the inflamed situation, the division being caused and pushed by, for example, President Biden," the senator opined. "This is a serious security concern that could be addressed."

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