The 'unmistakable sign' D.A. Alvin Bragg believes Trump trial is a slam dunk: expert

Michael Cohen (AFP)

Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner is convinced Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is so pleased with Cohen's performance on the witness stand in former President Donald Trump's criminal hush money case that he's not calling any more witnesses.

"There is one unmistakable sign that the prosecutors in Donald Trump's criminal case up in New York believe that Michael Cohen is doing extremely well on the witness stand," Kirschner teased.

And that "one sign" is the fact that they signaled they'll rest after Cohen.

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"I think one of the most interesting things we learned at the end of the trial day on Tuesday was that the prosecution announced that Michael Cohen would be their final witness," he said.

"Earlier on, they suggested there might be other witnesses after Michael Cohen, but it seems pretty clear that the prosecution thinks Michael Cohen is doing so well on the stand that he's going to be the last witness the jury hears from before the prosecutors rest their case."

Bragg's team has spent the past few weeks trying to prove that Donald Trump falsified business documents to coverup hush money payments to an adult movie star who claims to have had a sexual relationship with him. The then-presidential candidate was trying to hide it from voters in the 2016 election, they argue.

Cohen had been Trump's devoted attorney-fixer turned outspoken adversary and played a central role as a bagman in buying the silence of —Stormy Daniels.

Trump stands accused of using The Trump Organization to have “grossed up” Cohen’s reimbursement totaling $420,000 for the money paid to Daniels and claim it as legal expenses, according to prosecutors.

Trump denies wrongdoing or having the affair.

ALSO READ: 'Most transparent president' Trump won't meet financial transparency deadline. Again.

Cohen was convicted and sentenced to three years in prison for tax evasion, making false statements to a federally insured bank, and campaign finance violations, and perjuring himself to the U.S. Congress.

Cohen admitted he used to carry Trump in high esteem and would do anything for him, including lie or even "take a bullet" for him.

“I admired him tremendously,” Cohen said. “At that time, I was knee-deep into the cult of Donald Trump.”

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