After Trump-supporting MTG sparks fight, it’s AOC vs. ‘bully’ John Fetterman in Democratic squabble

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defended colleague Jasmine Crockett of Texas in a House meeting on Friday, then had to defend her actions to Democratic Rep. John Fetterman. (Getty Images)

When Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene of Georgia went after Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas in a House committee meeting on Friday, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes jumped into the fray, demanding that Greene’s words be stricken from the record and insisting Green apologize.

When Greene tried to take on AOC, the New York representative called Greene “baby girl” and suggested she find another less-worthy opponent.

The battle started when Greene told Crockett that her fake eyelashes were distorting her view of the issues — a criticism of Crockett’s appearance that Democrats believed to be racist.

When chairman James Comer hesitated to decide whether Greene should be disciplined, Crockett asked for clarification on House rules: Would it be OK if one member referred to another as a “bleach blonde bad built butch body.”

That sparked more name-calling and shouting.

Sen. John Fetterman, from Pennsylvania, chastised his Democratic colleagues by saying, “I’ve described the U.S. House as the Jerry Springer show. Today I’m apologizing to the Jerry Springer Show.”


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Ocasio Cortez fired back on Twitter/X: “I understand you likely would not have stood up for your colleague and seem to be confused about racism and misogyny being a both sides issue, but I stand up to bullies instead of becoming one. And to the women of Pennsylvania: I’d stand up for you, too.”

When CNN’s Jake Tapper told Fetterman that AOC appeared to be calling him a bully, Fetterman shrugged.

“Oh, well, of course, that’s absurd,” he said. “I was just simply responding to the kind of chaos and everything that Rep. Greene started. And if everyone on the committee was proud of what they’ve produced, they’re entitled to their opinion. If they feel that this is the kind of video that you’d want to send to a classroom of eighth-grade civics students across America, again, that’s their choice.

“But if I’m going to push back against anything that’s going to be pushing back against Hamas, and not vote against Israel, and I’m going to push back against [Russian president Vladimir] Putin. I’m not going to vote against the the aid for Ukraine the way Rep. Greene has done, and then I’m also going to push back against TikTok, [which] is essentially a Chinese communist government asset.”

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