Age-old debate on who should pay for a date put to rest by etiquette instructor

Going on a date is indeed a memorable experience, given it goes well. But people have long debated paying bills on special occasions with divided opinions about who should take the responsibility.

There are several unspoken rules surrounding dating. We recently had an etiquette expert weigh in on the age-old question – should you go for a kiss on the first date? But can there be a hard and fast rule to determine who’s to pay the full bill in a world where gender norms are blurred?

Paying for food and drinks at cafe made easy with credit cards.

Etiquette instructor who should pay the bill on a date

Etiquette and elegance instructor Katarina was prompted to make a TikTok video when one of her followers told her she went on a date with a guy, who asked for the bill to be split equally.

In response to the question about who should pay the bill, the content creator said, “Whoever proposed the invitation should also be the one who is covering the bill in full, unless agreed otherwise beforehand.”

However, she did note that her opinion doesn’t consider the traditional gender role which always heats the debate around the topic; but speaks from the general “etiquette perspective.”

She explains that if you’re the one to invite the other person, it’s likely that you would be choosing the place as well. Katarina suggests picking a place that’s affordable for you.

However, her response is limited to a romantic relationship, as she emphasizes choosing a partner who meets their expectations, including paying the bill in full on the first date.

5 mistakes to avoid on a first date

You couldn’t prepare enough for the first date no matter how excited you are. In another video, the etiquette instructor details five mistakes to avoid when you meet someone for the first time.

She recommends against getting drunk as it can seem disrespectful to your dater and may even spoil the evening.

Avoid speaking about your ex on the first date, although it’s important to touch upon it once you know the new person better. Stick to a lighter conversation at first.

Dress according to the place – don’t overdo it or dress inappropriately. You can dress to the nines if you plan to meet at a fancy bar or wear something comfortable to stroll about in a park or walk by the beach.

There’s nothing wrong in knowing your preferences for a partner, but speaking about it on the first date may seem disrespectful to your dater as they may or may not tick all the boxes on your checklist.

Avoid using your phone too much. This also allows you to immerse yourself in the conversation and make the other person feel heard.

Katarina is a certified Western etiquette instructor and “elegant lifestyle lover”, with a large following on social media. Her videos focus on “helping you refine your manners” by discussing all things lifestyle and dating.