Newbury volunteers race to record local history stories

A dedicated group of volunteers have started a new oral history project, with the support of the Newbury District Field Club.

They have so far interviewed and recorded two personal testimonies.

Gill Barron, Richard Herbert, Ros Clow, Tom Allen, Colin Young (interviewee) and Liz Evans

And they are seeking more volunteers, participants and funding to continue preserving the history of Newbury and the area.

Leader of the History Group at the Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery, Ros Clow, is overseeing the new project.

“We are working against time on this,” she explained. “We now have a queue of people wanting to be interviewed.”

Ros Clow and Colin Young conducting interviews

“We have interviewed one man who did his apprenticeship with Plenty's Eagle Iron Works and another who worked at Elliots of Newbury.

“I sat in on the first one and was amazed he remembered women working on the shop floor.

“They had been taken on during WWII and remained there into at least the 1960s.”

Ros Clow and Colin Young conducting interviews

The group has enlisted a local historian to help them save and transcribe the interviews.

The group are keen to interview anyone who worked locally or remembers mid-20th century life and leisure activities in Newbury.

Please contact if you can help.