Americans will 'never' out drink someone from the UK, TikToker debates

A man from the UK has outlined why Americans could never out-drink a British person, claiming the UK drinking culture is simply on another level.

Despite the disastrous health detriments it causes, including one you get from blacking out, alcohol is ingrained into the cultures of countless nations. From going on first dates to the annual tradition of New Year’s Resolutions, booze is inescapable in the modern world.

Copyright john rensten

Why you can’t out-drink a British person

Late last year, Jack (@jack_0897) posted a TikTok video that stitched not one, but two separate clips addressing British drinking culture. One of the videos claimed that Americans could never out-drink a British person, while the other was an American girl trashing the theory.

“For any Americans watching, let me give you an insight into the British drinking culture,” Jack told his 8k followers. “Our drinking culture starts around the age of 13. When I was between the ages of 13 and 14, my friends and I would either steal alcohol from our parents or go to a local corner shop and pray to god that the shopkeeper believed we were 18.”

Though you could argue that Jack and his friends were the outliers, many Brits in the comments confirmed his version of growing up. He continued to explain that Brits don’t steal beers from their parents, they go for hard spirits like vodka, whisky, and rum.

Jack continued: “Come rain or shine we would find a local park and sit and drink that alcohol. If you’re wondering what we mixed with the alcohol, we didn’t mix it with anything. As we start to get a little older we go to house parties.”

The content creator said the trend continues from there, with Brits heading from house parties to college and then University. For comparison, this is usually where the American drinking experience would start.

While you might think that the story ends there, Jack said all that drinking was in preparation for their “second homes”, pubs.

“Please, please, do not insult us when you say you can outdrink us, because we have the liver sclerosis to prove that you can’t,” Jack added.

Brits came out in force

Credit: Unsplash/Fred Moon

If there’s one thing you’ll learn by the end of this article it’s that you don’t mess with the Brits and their love of alcohol. As such, hordes of them came out in support of Jack’s statement.

One person wrote: “We drink for kids’ birthdays, our birthdays, funerals, births, children’s christenings, Christmas, new year, football, warm day, airport, wedding…”

“We turned the queen’s funeral into a drinking game,” another Brit confessed, as another said, “The American military is told never to enter drinking contests with the British soldiers because they’ll only become ill.”