10-cap international talent drops subtle exit hint as exciting Rangers links snowball

Jose Cordoba is the name on everyone’s lips at Rangers this week.

The Panamanian defender, 22, for all intents and purposes looks like he’s closing in on a move to Rangers which will excite supporters.

Whilst nothing is official just yet, reports have begun circulating from Panama City to Sofia, and eventually Glasgow, that a £3.2m deal is in the post.

This comes as the conversation around Jose Cordoba has begun to dominate talk of Rangers’ rebuild under Philippe Clement.

Between journalists in Panama debating the Rangers option amid interest from Besiktas, to the Gers giving the centre back the Ibrox treatment, it’s a link which has looked increasingly solid by the day.

And now, just as things are getting interesting with regards the Levski Sofia centre-half, the defender has dropped the biggest hint yet that a move out of Bulgaria is imminent.

Photo by Shaun Clark/ISI Photos/Getty Images

Cordoba drops Instagram exit hint

In the age of social media, the activity of football players is so closely monitored that even subtle changes are likely to catch the eye of fans.

Jose Cordoba has fallen victim to this once already.

The defender appeared to follow Rangers scout Fraser Murray on Instagram in a move which was an early indicator that links between the two parties were concrete.

Now, whilst Cordoba’s latest social media activity doesn’t involve Rangers per se, the defender has removed Bulgarian club Levski Sofia from his biography.

After three-and-a-half years in Bulgaria, it’s a strong indicator that the 10-times capped Panamanian international defender will be leaving Levski this summer.

It follows on from the defender recently missing training in Bulgaria and then being left out of the Levski squad as the sounds around Rangers began to get louder.

It’s fair to say that Ibrox looks increasingly likely to be the centre-back’s next destination.

Rangers ready busy transfer window

Whilst we’re still waiting for that Rangers scarf to be hoisted above Jose’s head, there is palpable excitement over the player.

Branded the ‘best defender in Bulgaria’ the centre-back has made a positive impression at Levski Sofia and Rangers have reportedly held off substantial transfer interest to strike an early deal.

Should the transfer go through, it’ll also send a big message to supporters about the direction the club hopes to take under Philippe Clement and Nils Koppen.

Rangers need to start getting things right with their player trading model and signing young, hungry, athletic players who have room to develop is quite simply a must after years of failure in this department.

Of course, the players also need to have the required quality to bring Rangers fans the domestic success they crave and Jose Cordoba will still have it all to prove in Glasgow.