Tayra exotic animal on the loose after escaping Hemsley Conservation Centre zoo close to Fairseat near Sevenoaks

An exotic animal is on the loose after escaping from its zoo enclosure.

The Tayra - a weasle-like mammal from Central America - was discovered missing from the Hemsley Conservation Centre near Sevenoaks on Sunday.

One of the Tayras from Hemsley Conservation Centre is on the loose. Picture: Hemsley Conservation Centre

People in the area have been asked to be on the lookout for the animal but warned not to approach or try to catch her.

There has been a sighting of the Tayra in West Kingsdown, almost four miles away from the small zoo.

Keepers say they were left “distraught” when they discovered a breach in the enclosure on Sunday morning after damage was caused to the weld mesh.

The centre near Fairseat, which has 29 different species of the world's most endangered animals, has posted an appeal to find the omnivore on its Facebook page.

Bosses say they are conducting a full investigation, adding: “As it stands, we cannot rule out foul play”.

The statement continues: “If anybody has a sighting please immediately call 07712 734556 whilst trying to keep an eye on her location.

“She will not approach people but please do not approach, attempt to catch her or corner her as she will likely be scared and nervous in such a situation.

“Our keepers are naturally distraught and her welfare is our number one priority.

“Please do not approach, attempt to catch her or corner her as she will likely be scared and nervous in such a situation…”

“We have informed the local authorities and are confident that we can recover her safely but will require your assistance in doing so, by calling the above number.

“Our keepers are giving some extra TLC and banana and grape treats to her mate who is doing well.

“More details will follow as we have them. Thank you for your assistance and understanding.”

The zoo opened in 2015 and focuses on breeding animals as well as educating visitors about at-risk species.

The Tayra, which are part of the weasel family, are not classed as endangered but have suffered loss of habitat and been hunted by humans in Mexico.

However, in the south of Bolivia and in northern Argentina, the Tayra is more common thanks to their ability to live near humans in disturbed habitats.