How much money Celtic could earn from the SPFL after winning their third title in a row

As the celebrations of winning the league title start to die down, Celtic and Brendan Rodgers are now focusing on the upcoming Scottish Cup final against Rangers.

The showpiece end-of-season occasion has the potential to make this summer’s celebrations even better for the Celtic fans and continue the agony of the Rangers fans who are still reeling from their team’s capitulation in the title race.

With millions of pounds heading Celtic’s way from UEFA, the summer is set to get even better as Brendan Rodgers prepares to strengthen the squad.

But it’s not just UEFA’s money that is heading into Celtic’s coffers as popular social media account, SPFL Mediawatch, points out.

Celtic set to bank millions from SPFL

Now, we all know that the money earned from winning Scotland’s top-flight is nothing compared to what Celtic can earn in the Champions League.

However, that doesn’t take away from the fact that there is still a substantial amount of money coming Celtic’s way from the game’s governing body for winning their third title in a row.

On social media channel X, SPFL Mediawatch posted the potential earnings Celtic will earn from the SPFL this season:

With £4.272m heading Celtic’s way, it’s still a significant chunk of change heading to Parkhead. It’s over £1m more than Rangers will receive (£3.06m) and almost £2m more than third-placed Hearts (£2.63m).

Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images

As SPFL Mediawatch points out, these figures do not include UEFA Solidarity Payments or fines clubs need to pay but does include the cost of VAR.

The Solidarity Payments were worth £3.6m to Scottish clubs last season thanks to Celtic and Rangers’ participation in the competition so the SPFL member clubs will be seeing more money come their way thanks to Celtic. [SPFL]

So whilst the payment from the SPFL is dwarfed by that from UEFA, the £4m payment coming to Celtic is still not to be sniffed at.