Collingham Cricket Club are top of Division Two of the Nottinghamshire Premier League

Collingham continued their impressive start to the Nottinghamshire Premier League season with a fifth successive victory on Saturday.

They defeated Balderton by eight wickets in a Division Two derby duel to maintain their healthy position at the top of the early league standings.

It was another excellent bowling display from the table-toppers that laid the foundations for the victory.

John Miller.

They restricted Balderton to 145-8 from their 50 overs after the visitors had won the toss and elected to bat first.

John Miller and Adam Mendham produced tight opening spells to finish with 1-31 and 1-46 respectively from their 10-over stints.

Max Shenton then took centre stage with a superb spell of 3-7 from his 10 overs which also featured four maidens.

It helped contain a Balderton batting line-up where Shalith Fernando was their top scorer with 64 and was crucial to Collingham's success.

Skipper Burhan Alam said: "It was a good win and we are continuing to improve week in, week out.

"The lads played really well and it was a good team performance with everyone chipping in.

Captain Burhan Alam.

"John Miller and Adam Mendham set the tone. They have done really well for us this season which has been a big plus.

"Max bowled then unbelievably. His two spells for the past two weeks have both changed the game for us.

"He has bowled really well for us this year and probably deserves a few more wickets than he's actually got.

"We bowled really well and didn't give them much to get after. We kept trying to switch it up with our bowling changes so they didn't settle.

"It was a decent pitch so I would have happily restricted them to 145 before the game because I would back our batsmen to chase that.

"We were confident at the end of their innings but anything can happen in cricket."

Umer Waheed. Image: Rob Currell

An opening stand of 76 between Jack Copley and Joe Saxelby was pivotal in the Collingham reply.

They both reached 43 before Copley was bowled by Scott Barnsdale while Saxelby was run out by Sam Clipsham.

Captain Alam then joined Umer Waheed to steer Collingham home with an unbroken stand of 45 for the third wicket.

Alam added: "We just went about it as we've said all season. The openers got us off with a solid platform and again did really well.

"They pretty much did most of the job for us and it allowed myself and Umer to just see it off.

"It was fairly comfortable in the end but that's credit to the lads and they made it easier with their bowling performance.

"We are making it easier for our batsmen at the moment.

"It was a good win and another game off the list so we'll move onto the next one on Saturday now because we're just taking it a game at a time.

"We've had a good start but we know it's a long season and there's still 17 games left. If we continue to play how we have played then we will be there or thereabouts though."

Alam was unbeaten on 23 at the close while Waheed finished on 24 not out as the Pakistani overseas ace continues to impress despite a challenging opening to his Collingham career.

Alam explained: "Umar had a pretty rough start. He was stuck in Dubai for a few days when they had their flooding and, when he arrived in England, he didn't have his luggage.

"He had been borrowing bits and pieces from other people to play but he's now got all his kit and he's settled in really well.

"He's a really nice lad who has played a lot of cricket. He has fitted in really well in our group. The lads love him and he's obviously a talented cricketer so will be a good addition to the team."

Collingham face a tricky trip to third-placed Mansfield Hosiery Mills on Saturday while Balderton host Anston.