Ukraine resumes exports from Black Sea ports - British intelligence

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In April 2024, Ukraine exported the largest volume of grain and oilseeds since the beginning of the conflict - 6.6 million tons. This underscores Ukraine's ability to engage in one-sided exports through its maritime corridor in the Black Sea, citing the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom.

The throughput capacity of Black Sea ports reached a monthly export volume exceeding any other month of the conflict, notably achieved within the framework of the Black Sea Grain Initiative (BSGI). Approximately 5.2 million tons of the total grain and oilseed exports in April 2024 were shipped from Ukrainian Black Sea ports compared to the peak of 4.2 million tons under BSGI in October 2022.

According to British intelligence, since its launch in August 2023, Ukraine's maritime corridor has facilitated about 1600 transit shipments and exported a total of 45 million tons of cargo. The majority of this volume consisted of agricultural exports, totaling over 30 million tons in 9 months. The rest primarily comprised iron ore and iron products, which previously could not be exported by sea during BSGI.

Overall, the report says that this will contribute to the recovery of Ukraine's economy in 2024.

The UK intelligence report says that shipping from Ukraine is crucial for global food security, as Ukraine's grain exports will account for approximately 9.7% of global grain exports from July 2023 to June 2024.

While the export of agricultural products depends on Black Sea ports, constituting approximately 78% by volume, other routes continue to be utilized. Ukraine continues to export grain and oilseeds via the Danube River (about 15% by volume), railway transportation (about 6% by volume), and road transportation (less than 1% by volume), according to the Ministry of Defence of Britain.

Ukrainian maritime corridor

After Russia withdrew from the grain deal in July 2023, Ukraine created a special maritime corridor designed to protect grain and metallurgical products exported from the ports of Odesa.

According to the NBU forecast, the average monthly capacity of the maritime corridor will be about 7 million tons, allowing farmers to export all the products intended for export.