New chairman and vice chairman appointed for Newark and Sherwood District Council

A new chairman and vice chairman have been appointed by a council.

After a year of service Celia Brooks yesterday (May 21) passed on the chain of office to the next chairman of Newark and Sherwood District Council.

At the annual full council meeting, the position was unanimously voted to be taken on by the previous vice-chairman Jean Hall.

Former vice-chairman Jean Hall has been named the new chairman.

She was nominated by Rowan Cozens, who said: “I’m very happy to nominate councillor Jean Hall. I can’t think of a better person.

“As the Independents for Newark we’re very proud to be nominating you Jean.”

As she left her position, Celia Brooks gave a parting speech — and presented gifts to some of those who had helped her throughout her year in office.

She said: “It has been an honour to represent Newark and Sherwood District Council on civic occasions in many locations.”

She picked out three civic events to highlight, which had been a “particular privilege” to attend, and which represented the breadth of the events across the district.

Celia Brooks' year as chairman has come to an end.

These were events lead by the Polish community, The Tour of Britain — especially as it started in her ward — and the recent opening of the new Boughton community hub, where the atmosphere was “lively and positive”.

“I have attended seven different commemorative and celebratory events organised by the Polish community,” she added.

“I have learned an awful lot about Poland through these events and I’m encouraged to see that these links are so strong.”

She has also promoted the Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance as her chosen charity throughout the year — with money raised throughout raffles and cake sales.

Celia Brooks concluded: “I have really appreciated the opportunity to serve the residents of Newark and and Sherwood in this way.

“Finally, this year has also made me appreciate what a hard working and talented staff we have across all the departments.”

Jean Hall then presented her with her badge of honour, and added: “I’d just like to thank councillor Brooks for all the advice, help and guidance she’s given me this year… I feel confident now to go ahead and represent Newark and Sherwood.”

Linda Tift was then unanimously voted to become vice chairman.

Linda Tift has been named as the new vice-chairman of Newark and Sherwood District Council.

She was nominated by Paul Peacock, who said: “It’s a great honour for me to propose councillor Tift for the role of vice-chair. I’ve been blessed to have known Linda for more than 25 years and i know that she is universally liked and respected.

“Linda has got this amazing superpower which allows anyone in her presence to be at ease and feel valued.”

It was seconded by Lee Brazier, who added: “She’s got a wealth of experience and knowledge… and I think she’ll do absolutely wonderful as vice-chair this year.”

Throughout the course of the meeting councillors shared well wishes for the new chairman and vice-chairman’s year ahead, and thanked Celia Brooks for her work over the past year.