‘Blows my mind’: Pundit says Pep Guardiola has done something ‘incredible’ behind the scenes at Man City

Mark Schwarzer has highlighted one thing Pep Guardiola has done at Manchester City that has majorly impressed him.

Throughout his playing career in the Premier League, Schwarzer was coached by numerous top-level managers such as Jose Mourinho, Claudio Ranieri and Bryan Robson among others.

In 514 top-flight appearances, the Australian kept 153 clean sheets and won one Premier League title.

Now though, the 51-year-old has been sharing his thoughts on one of the current top-flight managers and revealing one thing he admires about him the most.

Schwarzer shares what he loves about Guardiola

Photo by Michael Regan/Getty Images

Speaking in a recent video shared on the Optus Sport YouTube channel, Schwarzer had this to say on the matter.

He said: “It’s incredible really, what actually blows my mind is the fact that, we talked about it briefly before, is that the way that Pep Guardiola has managed the squad overall.

“The way that he’s kept everyone happy, the way he’s kept everyone on their toes, the teams evolve the way they play football, they’re not afraid also to play not so pretty if they need to.

“But they’ve got the ability to just turn a game on its head in an instant because of the quality they have and that for me starts at the top.

“Pep Guardiola is obviously an incredible man manager and he’s got obviously a tactical whiz and the players that he’s got have bought into it, and again that’s the thing that kind of was overpowering for me was that the way that the players spoke so highly about the manager and about the mentality of this team.”

Guardiola has made history at Man City

Having now completed eight Premier League campaigns, the 53-year-old has seen his side win six of them and recently become the first side to win four in a row.

The Spaniard, who has recently been named the Premier League manager of the season, has also broken numerous records during his extremely successful time in charge of the Citizens.

Even though numerous players have made moves in and out of the club since Guardiola’s appointment back in 2016, it’s understandable why Schwarzer has been so impressed by how the City manager has been able to keep some of the longer-serving players at the club motivated and fresh enough to approach new challenges over such a significant period of time.