Trump appointee catches heat for 'breathtakingly stupid' take on Mar-a-Lago search

Former Fox News contributor and Trump appointee Monica Crowley (

Former Fox News contributor and Trump appointee Monica Crowley was under fire on Wednesday after making a claim about the FBI search of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago golf resort.

Crowley, a conservative commentator, columnist, and radio host, was Trump's choice for senior director of strategic communications for the National Security Council.

"Just so we're clear: The FBI - Biden, Garland & Wray - authorized the use of deadly force for their raid on Mar-a-Lago over some papers," she wrote Wednesday. "Not to apprehend a terrorist or a drug kingpin. To see about some papers, many of which likely incriminate them in treasonous crimes."

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She went on to say that "they wanted to create a pretext to use force against their top political opponent - and prepared for it."

"We now have terror squads dressed up as 'law enforcement' roaming the country, targeting regime dissidents," she also added. "The hour is much later than you think. Work to save America - and pray for her."

Crowley was called out almost immediately.

@PoliticsEsq, who is self-identified as an international and appellate attorney, pushed back.

"Just to be clear, they attached the regular policy guidelines that are attached to every search warrant guideline that the FBI conducts," the account wrote. "And, just to be further clear, the word 'engage' in 'prepare to engage' means encounter not kill."

@85badger replied, "That's not what happened but good spin."

@sandiechill said, "So, are you now looking to disarm law enforcement, not just defund them?"

Jarrad Christian For Congress 2024 claimed the statement is a "misrepresentation of the facts."

"Side note: It could be argued Trump falls into the categories you mentioned," he added.

Gregg Nunziata, executive director of the Society for the Rule of Law, also chimed in.

"Just to be clear. This tweet is breathtakingly stupid, irresponsible, or both."

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