Journo at centre of £3.2m Gers links gives nervous update as transfer approaches crescendo

Jose Cordoba remains the name most prominently linked to Rangers this summer.

But as fans start looking up YouTube compilations and the Football Manager credentials of the 22-year-old Panamanian defender, the last few days have added a sense of doubt to the links.

Doubts which will remain until any deal is concluded.

The last week or so has been dominated by reports surrounding Jose Cordoba, who looked all set to pen a £3.2m deal to join Rangers only a few days ago.

But as if to throw the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons, this week reports in Bulgaria started emerging that the Levski Sofia star actually ‘preferred’ a move to Norwich City.

Now, the Panamanian journalist who really got the ball rolling on this story has provided some clarity on those claims and it appears nothing is cut and dry just yet.

Photo by Shaun Clark/ISI Photos/Getty Images

‘Everything is open’ to Cordoba

Jose Miguel Dominguez, or Chepe Bomba as he likes to be called, got Scottish journalists everywhere clacking on keyboards and picking up telephones last week.

This is after he had claimed Rangers are leading ’half of Europe’ to sign Jose Cordoba from Belgian side Levski.

It’s a claim which then spawned reports suggesting Rangers are in ‘advanced talks’ with the defender and since then the chatter has only got louder.

But after one journalist south of the border appeared to validate Norwich’s interest, even if it’s not concrete, you’ll forgive Rangers fans for feeling a little nervous.

Now, Dominguez has been talking about the situation and with Mr Bomba clearly close to the player’s camp, the Panamanian journalist insists nothing is said and done.

That’s even if Rangers are leading clubs from England, Spain, Turkey and Greece for the signature of ‘the best defender in Bulgaria’.

Translated into English, the post reads:

“Is Panamanian José Córdoba very interested in competing in a difficult tournament like the English Championship? They tell me yes, and a lot.

“Do you have anything agreed with Norwich? Not at all. The interest is, like many other teams that have asked: in Turkey, Spain, Greece, among others.

“Rangers—they tell me—are still the best positioned to sign him and the one who leads the pole for the international defender with Panama. Of course, the market is just beginning for the best centre-back in Bulgarian football. Everything is open.

“Point and ball.”

Rangers set for busy transfer window

It’s all a little up in the air, isn’t it?

The domestic season hasn’t even finished yet and already Rangers fans have one eye on the imminent rebuild under manager Philippe Clement and director of recruitment Nils Koppen.

The Belgian duo’s vision for the side is somewhat coming into view with the links to Jose Cordoba, a young, hungry talented defender with room to grow, indicative of the route we’re going down this summer.

With Brazilian left-back Jefte, 20, also being said to have agreed a deal, links continue around South African teenager Relebohile Mofokeng and 23-year-old Rapid Bucharest forward Albion Rrahmani.

It’s going to be a long summer of transfer links given Rangers are in the market for as many as 12 players.

But for fans who maybe got a little carried away thinking Jose Cordoba’s transfer to Rangers was done and dusted, Dominguez’s comments will have them thinking twice.

We await the scarf pic with anticipation, Mr Rangers.