Trump isn’t feeling quite so chatty lately | Sheneman

Cat got his tongue.

Donald Trump loves to talk. He’ll do it anywhere, rallies, escalators, alleys, steps away from whirring helicopter blades, anywhere. The man loves the sound of his own voice more than Russian autocrats, ill-fitting suits and burying his ex-wife next to the pro shop. There is only one place and one circumstance in which the former president will refuse to regale any willing, or unwilling, listener with the mellifluous sound of his Queens accent: in court and under oath.

Trump’s hush money trial wrapped up this week without the country’s self-appointed patriot-in-chief availing himself of the right to testify on his own behalf. Trump is dumb, but not stupid, he knows his criminal trial is not the time or place to run his word salad schtick, not to mention any lawyer who let that man near a witness stand could be sued for malpractice.

Prior to the trial the former president was chomping at the bit to take the stand and start dropping truth bombs, at least that’s what he said. The reality is, even the bus bench legal team Trump is eventually going to stiff knows not to let the man touch a bible he isn’t trying to sell. I can’t imagine it took much convincing to get Trump to stand down, he’s never met a challenge he couldn’t dodge. When the going gets tough, the tough fall asleep in open court.

Court is in recess until next week, and until then Trump is free to flap his gums for a bunch of diaper-wearing rally goers at whatever county fair ground will have them. Something tells me when court reconvenes, he’ll have a lot less to say.

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