Footbridge at Jesus Green Lock to reopen after council inspection

The footbridge at Jesus Green Lock will reopen today (Thursday) following a structural inspection by council engineers, the authority has confirmed.

The bridge was temporarily closed on Tuesday after surveys identified “significant structural fragility” in the lock islands.

The footbridge at Jesus Green Lock was reopened on Thursday Picture: Keith Heppell

But, following a survey by Cambridgeshire County Council engineers on Wednesday, the authority is satisfied that the concerns around the lock islands do not pose an issue for the bridge structure. The site will be monitored on a weekly basis, the council said.

However, work to assess if the lock island does pose an issue to the footbridge at Baits Bite remains ongoing.

The footbridge will remain temporarily closed until that work is completed and the council is satisfied with its safety.

The decision to temporarily close both bridges as a precaution came after a survey, commissioned by the Conservators of the River Cam, revealed structural issues with the lock islands in both Cambridge and Milton locations.

Cracks were seen in the lock islands by the conservators earlier this year, prompting them to commission structural surveys.

The footbridge at Baits Bite Lock will remain closed as survey work continues Picture: Keith Heppell

The surveys identified “significant structural fragility” in the lock islands, which it said are at risk of “catastrophic failure in the short to medium term”.

The Conservators of the River Cam are responsible for the navigation from Mill Pool in Cambridge to Bottisham lock at Waterbeach and the locks in between.

Each lock has an island between the lock chamber and the sluice and weir structures, which it supports.

The conservators own the lock and lock island at both Jesus Green and Baits Bite, while the Environment Agency (EA) own and operate the sluice and weir.

Alternative pedestrian routes for Baits Bite Lock footbridge are Clayhithe Road bridge or the Abbey-Chesterton footbridge. Diversion signage is in place to advise pedestrians of alternative routes.