What AJ Causey, Kavares Tears said on an SEC Tournament victory over Texas A&M

Tennessee outfielder Kavares Tears. Credit: UT Athletics (Kate Luffman)

Outfielder Kavares Tears had a monster day at the plate and Vols righty-handed hurler AJ Causey cruised on the mound in relief as Tennessee stayed alive at the Southeastern Conference Tournament, downing Texas A&M by a final score of 7-4.

The following is a written transcript of both players from the Tennessee postgame press conference.

Q. AJ, you’ve been so good after Stamos this year. Is there anything in particular about him and how he pitches that you feed off really well?

AJ CAUSEY: I think we’re two completely different looks, being like an over-the-top lefty, me being a low slot righty. Other than that, I think he comes out and he competes and kind of calms me, makes me go out there and do what he did basically. Yeah, it’s really calming.

Q. Kavares, Tony last week gave you a challenge to step up in a different way. These last two weekends you’ve produced at a high level coming up in big moments. How have you been able to produce? How has that challenge ignited a light in you?

KAVARES TEARS: I think a lot of it is just faith in each other. If somebody doesn’t get it done, then you have 100 percent faith in the guy behind you that he’s going to get it done. So just believing in each other I think has played the biggest role.

Q. Kavares, from facing AJ and Stamos in practice, what makes them so effective? How hard do you think it is for an opposing team when they have to face both those guys on the same day?

KAVARES TEARS: To answer your second question, it’s not easy at all. I can tell you that. It’s tough facing both of them. But I think a lot of it is just very competitive. They’re not going to give batters just free 90s and everything is going to be competitive.

I think that’s the biggest part with both of them. Like he said earlier, they just go out there and compete and leave it all out there.

Q. Who got the better of who?


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