'Hot chili ramen noodle freak' Peter Navarro complains about Miami prison food

MIAMI, FLORIDA - MARCH 19: Former Donald Trump adviser Peter Navarro holds a press conference before turning himself in to a federal prison on March 19, 2024, in Miami, Florida. Mr. Navarro, who was convicted of contempt of Congress last year, surrendered at a federal Bureau of Prisons facility to begin serving his four-month sentence after speaking to the media. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

After asserting he doesn't want a pardon midway through his four-month sentence for obstructing Congress's investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, former Donald Trump trade advisor Peter Navarro has some complaints about prison food.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal's Alex Leary conducted by email because visitors have been limited, the former Trump aide admitted that, after two months in jail, he is not a fan of prison food.

According to the report, Navarro claimed he is having to supplement his meals with food from the Miami federal prison commissary, stating "I’m a hot chili ramen noodle freak."

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Having said that, he had few good things to say about prison cuisine despite a Bureau of Prison official stating it "provides a variety of healthy food options, including fresh fruit daily."

"This is prison, plain and simple, no country for old men,” Navarro told the Journal. “Don’t fall into that pastoral zoo bulls--t.”

He has various complaints, including what he says is a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates: “Protein MIA. Haven’t seen a fresh orange or grapefruit in the heart of citrus country since I got here.”

Navarro also revealed he hopes to speak at the Republican nominating convention after his scheduled release on July 17, two days after he turns 75.

"If given a chance to speak at the convention -- which would deliver the kind of dramatic moment Trump covets -- Navarro plans to reflect on his plight and the various prosecutions facing Trump. “Something like, ‘If they can come for me—and they surely did—they can come for you,’ ” he said" the report states.

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